Default locale
Fallback locale
Defined 18
These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.
Locale | Domain | Times used | Message ID | Message Preview |
sl | messages | 1 | Courses | Tečaji |
sl | messages | 1 | Lecturers | Predavatelji |
sl | messages | 1 | Contact | Kontakt |
sl | messages | 2 | Login | Prijava |
sl | messages | 1 | E-pošta | |
sl | messages | 1 | Password | Geslo |
sl | messages | 1 | Sign in | Vpiši se |
sl | messages | 1 | Do you need an account? | Ali potrebujete račun? |
sl | messages | 1 | Sign up | Prijavite se |
sl | messages | 2 | Recover password | Obnovi geslo |
sl | messages | 1 | footer_title | Naproti inovativnim metodam za ocenjevanje in certificiranje energetske učinkovitosti. |
sl | messages | 1 | footer_subtitle | TIMEPAC aktivno podpira energetsko učinkovitost in prispeva k energetskemu prehodu. |
sl | messages | 1 | footer_consortium | Projektni konzorcij je prejel sredstva sofinaciranja iz programa Evropske unije za raziskave in inovacije Obzorje 2020 na podlagi sporazuma o nepovratnih sredstvih št. 101033819 v okviru razpisa »LC-SC3-B4E-4-2020 – Naslednja generacija ocenjevanja in certificiranja energetske učinkovitosti«. |
sl | messages | 1 | Legal information | Pravna informacija |
sl | messages | 1 | Privacy policy | Politika varstva osebnih podatkov |
sl | messages | 1 | Terms & conditions | Termini in pogoji |
sl | messages | 1 | Cookies policy | Politika piškotov |
sl | messages | 1 | Follow us | Sledi nam |
Fallback 0
These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.
No fallback translation messages were used.
Missing 0
These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.
There are no messages of this category.