Bettina Sticher

Bettina Sticher is an expert at SERA global based in Austria and graduated with a master's degree in architecture from TU Graz. She can look back on 24 years of experience in building renovation projects with a focus on energy efficiency and living space optimisation. In new building projects with her co-operation partners, the focus is on green roofs, wooden construction and expanded clay. She has been using CAD since 1996, drawing 3D plans since 2000 and is always on the lookout for new software. She is highly skilled in communicating with authorities and is therefore able to speed up building applications for all parties involved. Additionally, she has been practising as a building damage assessor for six years. At SERA global, she works with Susanne Geissler on the Project 101077169 — LIFE21-CET-SMARTREADY-easySRI with a particular attention to stakeholder engagement and with the Project 101120194 — LIFE22-CET-EPBD.wise she analyses the implementation of the renovation passport. In the project of TIMEPAC, she concentrates on the creation of a renovation passport out of data repositories.