Webinar 4. Combining EPC databases with other sources for holistic assessment of the building stock

The upcoming recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) outlines a pathway to achieve a decarbonised building stock by 2050. One of its objectives is that new buildings achieve zero emission status by 2030, compelling Member States to develop national plans for reducing primary energy consumption. In this context, energy performance certificates (EPCs) can play an instrumental role in assessing building performance and implementing large scale rehabilitation programmes. 


During this webinar, we will explore the potential of utilizing open data from EPCs in Catalonia to enhance their effectiveness as tools for building renovation. We will delve into how the TIMEPAC project has analysed information from this registry, identifying unreliable data and grouping buildings based on characteristics such as climatic zone, use, and year of construction in order create representative archetypes of the building stock. In the absence of data on all buildings, these archetypes serve as a valuable tool to extrapolate their characteristics to the building stock. This enables the assessment of the impact of large-scale rehabilitation measures, ensuring compliance with the EPBD objectives. Additionally, the integration of EPC databases with other sources can facilitate a comprehensive analysis of the built environment, complementing EPC data with information such as population statistics, renewable energy production, transport networks, and public amenities. Insights about this integration will also be provided during the sessions.

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Architects, engineers, certifiers, and local public authorities


14 03 2024


Desde 10:00 hasta 12:00 CET


5 sesiones







Sesión completa


Challenges of the new energy performance of buildings directive


The session will introduce upcoming changes in the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), which are pivotal for the decarbonization goals in building sector, a major emitter of greenhouse gases. To achieve this, fostering bottom-up processes is essential, expanding the involvement EU regions and cities in emission reduction. The Covenant of Mayors, a longstanding initiative at the EU level, exemplifies this commitment. In this context, we will explore how enhanced Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) can aid local authorities in implementing sustainable energy plans, using practical examples.

Ponente: Silvio De Nigris

Materiales de Session

Querying open data about EPCs


EPC databases can be used to analyse the condition of the building stock at various scales, including district, region, and country. However, existing databases still have limitations that hinder their exploitation for evaluating building performance comprehensively, considering factors such as the renovation of buildings over time and aspects beyond energy performance. This session will present the results of the audit undertaken on ICAEN’s database and showcase the potential offered by its open data portal to carry out building assessments in combination with other data.

Ponente: Ainhoa Mata

Materiales de Session

Quality assessment of the EPC database contents


The session will highlight the importance of having accurate and reliable EPC data for assessing the performance of the building stock, in a comprehensive way. Various quality assessment techniques that can be employed to evaluate the accuracy of EPC databases will be presented, including the application of rules for EPC data quality assessment such as efficiency of active systems, ventilation rate, and energy consumption consistency. Examples illustrating how EPC data quality assessment can be utilized in practice will be showcased.

Ponente: Ainhoa Mata - Álvaro Sicilia

Materiales de Session

EPC data combination for multi-dimensional analysis


This session will centre on the comprehensive analysis of urban areas to identify buildings suitable for a large-scale renovation programme, considering various factors like building characteristics (such as the year of construction and typology), urban infrastructure (including the availability of amenities and transportation), and socioeconomic factors (such as income levels and population density). The Retabit platform will be introduced as an example of a data-driven multidimensional analysis tool for evaluating the building stock.

Ponente: Leandro Madrazo - Adirane Calvo

Materiales de Session

Advanced analysis of EPC data as a support tool for local, regional and national energy planning


One of the objectives for local, regional, and national authorities engaged in large-scale building rehabilitation is to prioritize intervention areas, considering multiple factors. Access to energy-related data from various domains can aid in developing tools for this purpose. In this session, we will present tools for public authorities to assess the energy performance of the building stock based on the Retabit project, taking into account building status, urban context, and socioeconomic conditions

Ponente: Álvaro Sicilia

Materiales de Session