Combining EPC databases with other sources for holistic assessment of the building stock

The recently approved recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) outlines a pathway to achieve a decarbonized building stock by 2050, an ambitious and necessary goal to mitigate climate change. This directive is a key instrument of the Renovation Wave strategy to increase the annual renovation rate of buildings in the EU countries.


According to the new EPBD, each Member State shall establish a national renovation plan to ensure the renovation of the stock of residential and non-residential buildings. This will first require knowing the status of the existing buildings based on available data. In this regard, the content of EPC databases, supplemented by other data sources such as building inspections, renovation passports, or information on renewable energy production, plays a crucial role in assessing the condition of buildings and determining the necessary measures for improvement.


In this course, we will explore the potential of utilizing the information gathered in the EPC database managed by ICAEN in Catalonia to create large-scale building renovation plans. We will introduce participants to the procedures developed in the TIMEPAC project to analyse the content of this database, identifying unreliable data and grouping buildings according to their characteristics, climatic zone, use and year of construction, in order to create representative archetypes of the building stock. Additionally, we will delve into the development of renovation plans that integrate EPC data with other socioeconomic data and urban data.


The course is especially aimed at staff of public administrations involved with the renovation of the building stock, as well as energy consultants and other experts dealing with building assessment and certification.


Local public authorities, architects, engineers and certifiers


07|09 - 05 2024


Od 9:30 Do 14:00 CET


12 Sjednice




Barcelona, Spain


C/ de Sant Joan de la Salle, 38, 08022 Barcelona




TIMEPAC introduction

7/5/2024 9:30–9:45 (CET) | ES

Predavač: Leandro Madrazo

Materijali za seminar

Challenges of the new Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

7/5/2024 9:45–10:30 (CET) | CA

An overview of the forthcoming changes and requirements defined in the recently approved Directive, a key instrument for achieving the decarbonization objectives set by the EU. The new EBPD includes a specific mandate for Member States to establish national plans, ensuring that all new buildings achieve zero emissions starting January 1, 2030. Additionally, it will provide a common template for energy performance certificates to be used across all Member States, facilitating comparisons of building performance across nations. Likewise, national building renovation plans should be based on a harmonised template in order to ensure comparability of plans across Europe. The Directive also requires having independent control systems to ensure the quality of energy performance certificates, renovation passports, and the smart readiness indicator.

The new regulations pose challenges for all the stakeholders of the building sector. But it is also an opportunity to boost the renovation of the buildings, and to develop new professional services based on the analysis of the building information. 

Predavač: Ainhoa Mata

Materijali za seminar

Querying open data about EPCs

7/5/2024 10:30–11:30 (CET) | CA

Databases of energy performance certificates can be used to analyse the state of the building stock at various scales, including neighbourhood, district, region and country. However, existing databases still have limitations that make it difficult to exploit them to comprehensively assess the performance of buildings, considering factors such as their renovation over time and other aspects beyond energy performance. This session will present the results of an audit of the ICAEN database carried out in the framework of the TIMEPAC project and show the potential of its open data portal to carry out building assessments in combination with other data.

In this session, participants will have the opportunity to query the ICAEN certificate database through practical exercises. Currently, this database includes information on 1,400,000 EPCs in Catalonia.

Predavač: Ainhoa Mata

Materijali za seminar

Pauza za kavu

7/5/2024 11:30–12:00 (CET)

Quality assessment of EPC databases

7/5/2024 12:00–13:00 (CET) | CA

In this session, the importance of having accurate and reliable energy certificates data to comprehensively assess the performance of the building stock will be highlighted. Various techniques will be presented, such as applying rules to verify the quality of the information contained in the certificates, including the efficiency of active systems, the ventilation rate, and the energy consumption. Examples of the application of these techniques will be introduced.

An exercise will be conducted to detect and correct inconsistencies found in the EPCs of a municipality used as a case study following the TIMEPAC guidelines.

Predavač: Ainhoa Mata - Álvaro Sicilia

Materijali za seminar

Analysing the building stock of your municipality

7/5/2024 13:00–13:50 (CET) | CA

The EPBD indicates that a national building renovation plan will be required in each Member State. Its success will depend largely on the coordination of the different administrations levels in each country, which will involve mechanisms to facilitate access to data distributed across different domains (cadastre, building inspections, energy consumption, income) and scales (building, block, district, municipality, region).  

Through a guided exercise, we will address with participants the following issues related the elaboration of building renovation plans:

  • How to obtain information on the building stock at municipal level?
  • What is the status of buildings according to energy certificates?
  • Which buildings need to be renovated and which should be given priority?
  • How much would the renovation costs be for the owners and how much could public administrations bear? 

Predavač: Ainhoa Mata

Materijali za seminar

Summary of the session

7/5/2024 13:50–14:00 (CET)

Assessing energy performance of the building stock with open data

9/5/2024 9:30–11:30 (CET) | CA

Participants will carry out the exercise presented the previous day step by step, in a municipality of their choice. We will analyse the open data of the energy certificates of the selected area to find out the current state of the buildings. Then, some criteria will be developed together with the participants to prioritise which buildings need to be renovated in order to reach the targets set by the Directive, as well as the estimated costs.

Predavač: Ainhoa Mata

Materijali za seminar

Pauza za kavu

9/5/2024 11:30–12:00 (CET)

EPC data combination for multi-dimensional analysis of the building stock

9/5/2024 12:00–12:30 (CET) | ES

This session will focus on carrying out an analysis of an urban area to identify buildings suitable for a large-scale building renovation programme, considering building characteristics (year of construction and typology), urban infrastructure (including the availability of amenities and transportation), and socioeconomic factors (such as income levels and population density).  The RETABIT platform will be presented as an example of a data-driven multidimensional analysis tool for a comprehensive assessment of the building stock.

Predavač: Leandro Madrazo - Álvaro Sicilia - Adirane Calvo

Materijali za seminar

Advanced analysis of EPC data to create building renovation plans

9/5/2024 12:30–13:50 (CET) | CA

One of the objectives for local, regional and national authorities involved in large-scale building retrofitting is to prioritise areas of intervention, considering multiple factors. Access to energy-related data from various domains can help in the development of tools for this purpose. In this session, participants will analyse the building stock of a municipality of their choice with the RETABIT platform considering building condition, urban context and socio-economic factors. Through hands-on exploration and subsequent discussions, participants will gain experience in harnessing energy-related data to inform decision-making processes for large-scale comprehensive building retrofit plans.

Predavač: Álvaro Sicilia - Adirane Calvo

Materijali za seminar


9/5/2024 13:50–14:00 (CET)

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