Exploitation of EPC for local, regional and national energy planning

The Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) database, along with other data sources, serves as a valuable tool for understanding the energy efficiency of existing buildings, crucial for developing effective energy retrofit strategies and implementing the EU targets. The TIMEPAC project has devised a methodology leveraging EPC information to identify building archetypes, aiding in urban-scale energy modelling. In addition, to effectively reach the forthcoming decarbonisation target, new indicators and methods for holistic building performance assessment are foreseen in the TIMEPAC enhanced EPC, in line with the updating of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). To facilitate effective interventions at the building level while also evaluating their broader impact at the building stock level, the renovation passport, a product of the EPBD's 2018 update, could be a pivotal instrument. 


In this context, the training aims at spreading the TIMEPAC approach to exploit EPCs for local, regional and national energy planning by: (i) extracting and processing EPC data, and generating representative buildings (archetypes) for predicting the building energy demand at different scales; (ii) calculating and presenting a new set of indicators, such as the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI), parameters related to occupant comfort, costs, environment and energy; (iii) applying the methodology to create the Renovation Passport in such a way to set up an effective building renovation roadmap moving from the building to the building stock scale.


General building experts, certifiers, local public authorities, energy agencies


29|30 - 05 2024


Od 9:00 Do 18:30 CET


18 Sjednice




Torino, Italy


corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino (Italy)





29/5/2024 9:00–9:10 (CET) | IT

The challenges of the EPBD 2024/1275 for the decarbonisation of the existing building stock

29/5/2024 9:10–9:40 (CET) | IT

In this introductory session, the challenges of the new EPBD 2024/1275 are discussed in the view of the redaction of the National Plan addressed to the decarbonisation of the building stock by 2050. Specifically, some topics will be deepened, such as the data availability at a regional level and their quality, the revision of the EPC concept, and the change of the technician role, by highlighting the market issues. 

Predavač: Giovanni Nuvoli

Materijali za seminar

Extraction of relevant EPC data for energy large-scale analysis and creation of clusters for archetypes definition

29/5/2024 9:40–10:10 (CET) | IT

Understanding energy use at a large scale can support the planning and the design of energy efficiency policies in cities. Energy large-scale analysis can be performed by applying bottom-up models with representative buildings (e.g., archetypes), generally built up from extensive data derived from different sources, including the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) database. This exercise will present and apply a methodology to extract relevant data in the EPCs and to create clusters of the building stock. It will be shown how identifying between two real buildings belonging to the same climatic zone, building use category, and construction period, the one that is the closest to the characteristics of the archetype.

Predavač: Ilaria Ballarini - Matteo Piro

Materijali za seminar

Application of EPC data quality checking procedure

29/5/2024 10:10–11:10 (CET) | IT

The energy performance certificate (EPC) is an essential data source for constructing urban energy analyses. Concentrating on the quality of energy performance certificates and the accuracy of the data they contain is essential. To ensure that the given database contents are correct and beneficial for making proper policy decisions, benchmarking building performance, and energy efficiency upgrades, it is crucial to undertake the quality assessment of the EPC database contents and have energy certifications free of inaccuracies. In this exercise, sample sets of EPC data from the database of Regione Piemonte will be provided and appropriate criteria to establish suitable, high-quality data analysis of the EPC data content will be shown.

Predavač: Mamak P. Tootkaboni

Materijali za seminar

Pauza za kavu

29/5/2024 11:10–11:30 (CET)

Statistical analysis to generate representative buildings (archetypes)

29/5/2024 11:30–12:30 (CET) | IT

The building archetypes reflect the most common geometrical characteristics, technical specifications of the building envelope, and technical building system typology, representing the average situation in a market segment. This exercise focuses on extracting the most probable data to generate representative buildings for the specific climate zone. The EPC database of Regione Piemonte will be used. The statistical analysis provides the calculation of median and interquartile ranges for selected parameters. The skills and knowledge that are expected at the end of the lectures include the competence to effectively select the KPIs to generate, through statistical analysis, the representative buildings for the specific climate zone.

Predavač: Matteo Piro

Materijali za seminar

Application of a bottom-up model to predict the building energy demand at different scales

29/5/2024 12:30–13:00 (CET) | IT

This exercise aims at performing an example of application of a bottom-up energy model to predict the energy demand of a building stock. The application will be based on the development of an Urban Building Energy Model (UBEM) and will adopt a set of reference buildings (archetypes) representative of a subset of the building stock (e.g., residential use) that serve as a basis for analysing the energy balance of the regional building sector (Piemonte). To carry out the exercise, a set of archetypes will be taken as an example; their energy intensity will be derived from the EPC database, while their frequency in the stock will be provided by regional/national data sources (e.g., census).

Predavač: Ilaria Ballarini

Materijali za seminar

Druženje i lagani ručak

29/5/2024 13:00–14:30 (CET)

Indicators and methods for the holistic assessment of buildings in the EPDB perspective

29/5/2024 14:30–15:00 (CET) | IT

Currently, energy certificates are static energy-related documents, but in the future, according to the enhanced EPC devised in TIMEPAC, they should go beyond the energy field, integrating holistically new Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from other domains, such as economics, environment, sustainability (e.g., Smart Readiness Indicator - SRI), and social aspects. The review of the EPBD includes new elements to achieve a decarbonised building stock by 2050. Specifically, it points out new requirements for the environment (e.g., the greenhouse gas emission class, the life-cycle Global Warming Potential) and for the Indoor Environmental Quality – IEQ. This exercise will provide an overview of methods and indicators in the holistic assessment of an office building-type. 

Predavač: Vincenzo Corrado

Materijali za seminar

Calculation of the SRI deriving potential flexibility measures for existing buildings

29/5/2024 15:00–16:00 (CET) | IT

This exercise will provide an example of calculating the Smart Readiness Indicator for an existing office building, which will serve as a basis for developing energy renovation scenarios with a focus on enhancing building flexibility. Throughout the exercise, students will be guided from data collection to indicator development, both for the building's current state and for the refurbishment scenarios.

Predavač: Alice Gorrino - Alfonso Capozzoli

Materijali za seminar

Calculation of the enhanced EPC data for future exploitation

29/5/2024 16:00–16:50 (CET) | IT

Enhancing EPC schemas through operational data integration would improve the accuracy and reliability of EPC, using data obtained from energy monitoring (e.g., real energy consumption), and from other domains of assessment (IEQ, economics, sustainability, etc.). The exercise will address the operational data integration and energy model calibration, as to reduce the “performance gap” between the actual building energy consumption and the standard performance provided by the EPC. Moreover, it will also evaluate the integration of a wider set of parameters in the EPC; these will consider different evaluation domains, such as indoor environmental quality, Building Automation and Control System (BACS) impact, and cost-effectiveness.

Predavač: Franz Bianco Mauthe Degerfeld

Materijali za seminar

Wrap-up of Day 1

29/5/2024 16:50–17:00 (CET) | IT

Predavač: Vincenzo Corrado


30/5/2024 14:30–14:40 (CET) | IT

Transformation of EPC data and other data into Renovation Passport for the deep renovation of the building - case study residential building

30/5/2024 14:40–15:40 (CET) | IT

The staged renovation is based on a renovation roadmap that shows the energy-related measures in the correct sequence. This exercise takes the audience through the steps of creating a renovation roadmap for deep renovation, based on the Energy Performance Certificate and other sources of information such as a Building Information ModeI. In this context, answers to the following questions are needed:
What is the procedure for developing a renovation roadmap? Which tools are available? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different data sources? How to deal with a lack of data? Is an on-site visit needed? What is the interface with the usual maintenance and repair plan?

Predavač: Alice Gorrino

Materijali za seminar

Calculation and use of the Renovation Passport to increase the effectiveness of efficiency measures in renovation strategies

30/5/2024 15:40–17:40 (CET) | IT

This exercise will guide students through the application of the methodology developed within TIMEPAC project for developing a renovation roadmap for an office building. To this end, tools for assessing the building's current state will be provided, along with a procedure for defining energy retrofit scenarios to ensure the achievement of decarbonization goals by 2025. Insights and challenges will be interesting topics for discussion.

Predavač: Alice Gorrino

Materijali za seminar

Coffee break (in between)

30/5/2024 16:40–17:00 (CET)

Application of recommended energy efficiency measures for the creation of the building stock renovation scenarios

30/5/2024 17:40–18:20 (CET) | IT

In order to reach the European goals for decarbonisation, it is of utmost importance to improve the whole building stock, moving from a high pollutant to a zero-emission one. In order to evaluate possible enhancement, the first step is the analysis of the current state of the building stock. Two main groups of energy efficiency measures, related to the envelope and to the technical building systems, are presented as well as the possible influences in the energy and emission reduction. In this exercise, the main phases to define and apply the renovation scenarios for a building stock are explained.

Predavač: Matteo Piro

Materijali za seminar

Wrap-up of Day 2

30/5/2024 18:20–18:30 (CET) | IT

Predavač: Alice Gorrino