La TIMEPAC Academy fornisce formazione e risorse su misura per i professionisti impegnati nella valutazione e certificazione degli edifici. La nostra piattaforma è dedicata a fornire ai singoli individui le conoscenze e le competenze essenziali necessarie per passare da certificazioni una tantum a valutazioni complete delle prestazioni dell'edificio durante il suo intero ciclo di vita

Watch the recordings and download the presentations from the six webinars

In-class training will be conducted during April and May. Check timetable on this website

Attività formative


29/02/24 10:00 - 12:00 CET



Webinar 1. EPC data collection, validation and exploitation

In the context of European climate-neutrality and sustainability goals, energy performance certification is expected to become an effective assessment methodology for systematically analyzing and enhancing the energy efficiency of buildings over their successive renovation stages. 


This webinar aims to explore the synergies between energy performance certification, technical system inspections, and energy auditing. Our objective is to streamline the process of generating EPCs - including their generation from BIM models - by identifying the essential elements for efficient data extraction from various sources, ensuring their accuracy and reliability. We will delve into practical strategies, gathering and validating data, starting at the desktop, with a comprehensive analysis of drawings, inspection reports, and energy audits. This information will be complemented with data obtained during on-site visits, such as renovation status, size, construction materials, and insulation levels. Additionally, we will address the importance of capturing additional information about HVAC systems, lighting, appliances, occupancy rates, and space utilization patterns to assess the actual performance of buildings. The webinar will also feature insights into the TIMEPAC Code of Conduct for Smart Readiness and Sustainability Rating. 

Organizzatore: JSI

8 sessioni

certifiers, energy auditors, architects, engineers, energy managers, facility managers, and local public authorities

05/03/24 10:00 - 12:00 CET



Webinar 2. Advanced methods and tools for holistic energy renovation of buildings

The upcoming EPBD recast recommends that architects and planners utilize 3D-based modelling and simulation technologies throughout the planning, design, construction, and renovation phases of residential areas to enhance and assess building energy performance. Integrating BIM models with simulation tools can improve the assessment of building performance and support renovation efforts.


These digital technologies are particularly beneficial for creating building renovation passports and digital building logbooks, while incorporating smart readiness indicators and life-cycle global warming in building performance simulations. Assessing building performance with these tools enables a more comprehensive evaluation over time and facilitates the transition from one-off certification to continuous performance assessment.


This webinar will offer insights into using BIM models to generate EPCs for both new buildings and successive renovation stages throughout their lifespan. Practical cases will demonstrate the capabilities of available technologies.

Organizzatore: CYPE

5 sessioni

architects, engineers, certifiers, and local public authorities

12/03/24 10:00 - 12:00 CET



Webinar 3. Analysis and visualisation of EPC data and development of innovative energy services

The upcoming recast of the EPBD includes various measures to facilitate targeted financing for investments in the residential building sector and to gradually introduce minimum energy performance standards for non-residential buildings. Their ultimate aim is to decarbonize the building stock by increasing renovation and improving building energy performance. Moreover, these initiatives should lead to increased reliability, quality, and digitalization of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs), with energy performance classes being established based on common criteria. 


In the context of the TIMEPAC project, EPCs are not perceived as mere paper-based documents; rather, they are envisioned as digital repositories of integrated information. However, the current EPCs predominantly cater for end-users, offering limited and often unreliable technical data. Consequently, the enhanced EPC should serve multiple functions, evolving into a central document accessible to various stakeholders, including end-users, energy certifiers, and local, regional, and national authorities. Thus, the next-generation energy certificate should be tailored to specific audiences and intended purposes. 


In this webinar, we will delve into the analysis and visualization of EPC data and its utilization in the development of innovative energy services. Our objective is to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to harness EPC data for the preparation of deep energy renovation projects. Additionally, the webinar will offer insights into monitoring and verifying energy savings, including the potential role of EPCs in this process. 

Organizzatore: EIHP

7 sessioni

certifiers, energy auditors, architects, engineers, energy managers and facility managers

14/03/24 10:00 - 12:00 CET



Webinar 4. Combining EPC databases with other sources for holistic assessment of the building stock

The upcoming recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) outlines a pathway to achieve a decarbonised building stock by 2050. One of its objectives is that new buildings achieve zero emission status by 2030, compelling Member States to develop national plans for reducing primary energy consumption. In this context, energy performance certificates (EPCs) can play an instrumental role in assessing building performance and implementing large scale rehabilitation programmes. 


During this webinar, we will explore the potential of utilizing open data from EPCs in Catalonia to enhance their effectiveness as tools for building renovation. We will delve into how the TIMEPAC project has analysed information from this registry, identifying unreliable data and grouping buildings based on characteristics such as climatic zone, use, and year of construction in order create representative archetypes of the building stock. In the absence of data on all buildings, these archetypes serve as a valuable tool to extrapolate their characteristics to the building stock. This enables the assessment of the impact of large-scale rehabilitation measures, ensuring compliance with the EPBD objectives. Additionally, the integration of EPC databases with other sources can facilitate a comprehensive analysis of the built environment, complementing EPC data with information such as population statistics, renewable energy production, transport networks, and public amenities. Insights about this integration will also be provided during the sessions.

Organizzatore: La Salle-URL, ICAEN

5 sessioni

Architects, engineers, certifiers, and local public authorities

20/03/24 10:00 - 12:00 CET



Webinar 5. Exploitation of EPC for local, regional and national energy planning

The upcoming recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) introduces the national building renovation plan to support the decarbonisation of the European building stock by 2050. This requires data and models to rank the overall energy and environmental performance of the building stock. Archetypes that representative of building clusters play a crucial role in the development of a national building renovation plan, because they encapsulate the heterogeneity of the building stock characteristics. By exploiting bottom-up energy models, the archetype-based approach enhances accuracy in urban energy modelling and, in the same time, reduces model complexity. The content of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) databases, properly processed to remove erroneous data, represents a core source of information to create the archetypes, to analyse the performance status of the building stock, and to assess the effectiveness of renovation strategies. 


This webinar explores the potential to use EPC databases to develop an archetype-based urban building energy model, as devised in the TIMEPAC project. The webinar offers comprehensive training in the statistical analysis of the EPC database, with the goal of leveraging it for benchmarking initiatives. Examples of energy renovation scenarios both at the individual building scale (e.g., by exploiting the information provided in the Building Renovation Passport), and at broader building stock levels will be provided. The training materials cover the workflow of statistical analysis on EPC databases, quality control activities for EPC data, and the development of building stock models.

Organizzatore: POLITO

7 sessioni

general building experts, certifiers, local public authorities, energy agencies

22/03/24 10:00 - 12:00 CET



Webinar 6. Operational optimisation of building energy performance based on activities during EPC generation

The new EPBD recast aims to increase the rate of renovations of energy-inefficient buildings and improve information on energy performance. Member States shall ensure that energy performance certificates (EPCs) are affordable and issued by independent experts following an on-site visit. 


In the context of the TIMEPAC project, on-site visit is essential element of the EPC generation process and must be properly planned. During the on-site visit, the certifier should visually inspect the condition of the equipment, systems, and living/working spaces. During this webinar, we will explore how to combine the on-site visit with re-commissioning activities. Our goal is to empower participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide cost-effective optimization advice based on activities during EPC generation. Re-commissioning (Re-Co) is the expression used to describe an energy-system operation-optimization service in existing buildings. It focuses on improving the overall performance of a building by investigating and improving how systems operate together. It consists of a rapid energy audit of the buildings, focused on a check and re-set of the energy system’s operating parameters. Even though they might give rise to some additional costs, Re-Co services can be carried out successfully and be a cost-effective part of the EPC-generation process because they will generate additional benefits for the owners and building users. The webinar will also provide insights into the monitoring and targeting techniques and comparing the existing with the expected performance.

Organizzatore: JSI

8 sessioni

certifiers, energy auditors, architects, engineers, energy managers and facility managers

07/05/24 - 09/05/24 9:30 - 14:00 CET


Barcelona, Spain

Combining EPC databases with other sources for holistic assessment of the building stock

The recently approved recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) outlines a pathway to achieve a decarbonized building stock by 2050, an ambitious and necessary goal to mitigate climate change. This directive is a key instrument of the Renovation Wave strategy to increase the annual renovation rate of buildings in the EU countries.


According to the new EPBD, each Member State shall establish a national renovation plan to ensure the renovation of the stock of residential and non-residential buildings. This will first require knowing the status of the existing buildings based on available data. In this regard, the content of EPC databases, supplemented by other data sources such as building inspections, renovation passports, or information on renewable energy production, plays a crucial role in assessing the condition of buildings and determining the necessary measures for improvement.


In this course, we will explore the potential of utilizing the information gathered in the EPC database managed by ICAEN in Catalonia to create large-scale building renovation plans. We will introduce participants to the procedures developed in the TIMEPAC project to analyse the content of this database, identifying unreliable data and grouping buildings according to their characteristics, climatic zone, use and year of construction, in order to create representative archetypes of the building stock. Additionally, we will delve into the development of renovation plans that integrate EPC data with other socioeconomic data and urban data.


The course is especially aimed at staff of public administrations involved with the renovation of the building stock, as well as energy consultants and other experts dealing with building assessment and certification.

Organizzatore: La Salle-URL, ICAEN

12 sessioni

Local public authorities, architects, engineers and certifiers

21/05/24 - 22/05/24 8:30 - 14:00 CET


Ljubljana, Slovenia

EPC data collection, validation and exploitation

Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) currently play a significant role in the European Union's efforts to enhance building energy efficiency, which aligns with broader climate-neutrality and sustainability goals. Despite their wide usage, the implementation of EPCs across EU member states has been varied and inconsistent. This variation affects the scope, information quality, comparability, and user-friendliness of EPCs, limiting their acceptance by users and hindering market penetration.


This course is designed to uncover the practical synergies among energy performance certification, technical building system inspections, and energy auditing. Our aim is to optimize the process of EPC generation, including their creation from Building Information Modeling (BIM) models. Emphasizing hands-on experience, we will navigate through effective strategies for data collection and validation, ensuring both precision and reliability. Starting from office-based analysis of architectural drawings, inspection reports, and energy audit reports, we will extend our exploration to on-site assessments to capture details about the renovation progress, building elements, construction materials, and metering infrastructure. Further, we will discuss how to gather and use additional data on HVAC systems, lighting, appliances, occupancy, and space utilization to accurately evaluate building energy performance.


This course will also include practical insights and experiences aligned with the SRI auditing and TIMEPAC Code of Conduct for Smart Readiness and Sustainability Rating, ensuring participants leave with actionable knowledge and skills.

Organizzatore: JSI

16 sessioni

Certifiers, energy auditors, architects, engineers, energy managers, facility managers, and local public authorities

23/05/24 - 30/05/24 9:30 - 14:00 CET


Barcelona, Spain

Advanced methods and tools for energy rehabilitation of buildings from a holistic perspective

The recently adopted revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) recommends the use of digital modelling and simulation tools in all phases of building design, construction and renovation to improve the energy performance of buildings. These technologies are particularly suitable for creating building renovation passports and digital logbooks, while facilitating the incorporation of the Smart Readiness Indicator and the contribution of buildings to global warming throughout their life cycle. Their use allows for a more comprehensive assessment over time and facilitates the transition from one-off certification to continuous assessment of energy performance.


This course serves as an introduction to methods and tools for building performance assessment and building renovation. It begins by outlining the recently approved Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and then explores the application of BIM technology in generating Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) during the renovation process. The workflow will adhere to the guidelines from TIMEPAC regarding the Building Renovation Passport, considering energy consumption, economic, and environmental factors. Exercises will focus on both public and residential buildings.

Organizzatore: CYPE, ICAEN, La Salle

12 sessioni

Arquitects, engineers, energy auditors and certifiers

23/05/24 - 24/05/24 8:30 - 14:00 CET


Zagreb, Croatia

Analysis and visualization of EPC data and development of innovative energy service

The mission of this training is to empower general building experts and professionals to properly extract and visualize EPC data and to utilize that data for the creation of innovative energy services. After two days of training each participant will be receive training materials related to the building information modelling (BIM), dynamic simulation of energy demand, extraction of data from various sources, connecting EPC with real consumption data and monitoring and verification of energy savings will be provided. 

Special focus of planned exercises will be related with the transformation of EPC data into a Renovation Passport and the exploitation of the EPC data for the preparation of deep energy renovation projects and projects based on innovative energy services to foster deep energy renovation programs.

Organizzatore: EIHP

11 sessioni

Certifiers, energy auditors, architects, engineers, energy managers, EPC experts, designers and for everyone who is involved in building renovation

28/05/24 - 29/05/24 8:30 - 14:30 CET


Ljubljana, Slovenia

Operational optimisation of building energy performance based on activities during EPC generation

The primary goal of the energy performance assessment of buildings is to provide essential insights into energy consumption, support the extensive energy renovation of buildings, and facilitate informed and cost-effective decisions. Re-commissioning (Re-Co) refers to the activities involved in fine-tuning building systems to ensure optimal performance. This process addresses issues that arise over a building's lifespan, such as aging equipment or changes in how spaces are used by occupants, and focuses on enhancing overall building performance by optimizing the operation of systems together.


The recently approved recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) underscores the critical importance of on-site visits in producing accurate and reliable Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs). In this course, participants will learn firsthand how to integrate various activities (EPC generation, energy auditing, and Re-Co) and provide solid recommendations for improving the energy performance of buildings. We will explore the Re-Co process in detail, which includes conducting a rapid energy audit and adjusting system operating parameters to boost building performance. Although this may result in some additional costs, the long-term benefits for property owners and occupants can be substantial. Additionally, the course will delve into techniques for monitoring and comparing actual versus expected building performance, ensuring participants gain practical experience and insights into the entire process. This practical approach guarantees that participants not only learn theoretical concepts but also understand how to effectively apply them in real-world scenarios.

Organizzatore: JSI

16 sessioni

Certifiers, energy auditors, architects, engineers, energy managers and facility managers

29/05/24 - 30/05/24 9:00 - 18:30 CET


Torino, Italia

Utilizzo degli APE per la pianificazione energetica locale, regionale e nazionale

Il database degli Attestati di Prestazione Energetica (APE), insieme ad altre fonti di dati, costituisce uno strumento prezioso per conoscere l'efficienza energetica degli edifici esistenti e mettere a punto strategie efficaci di strutturazione in attuazione degli obiettivi fissati dell'UE. Nell’ambito del progetto TIMEPAC è stata sviluppata una metodologia che utilizza le informazioni degli APE per definire archetipi edilizi, contribuendo alla modellazione energetica su scala urbana. Inoltre, per raggiungere efficacemente l’obiettivo di decarbonizzazione del parco edilizio, la versione migliorata dell’APE proposta da TIMEPAC include nuovi indicatori e metodi per una valutazione olistica delle prestazioni degli edifici, in linea con l'aggiornamento della Direttiva sulla Prestazione Energetica degli Edifici (EPBD). Per facilitare interventi efficaci a livello di singolo edificio e valutare contemporaneamente il loro impatto sul parco edilizio, il passaporto di ristrutturazione, introdotto dall'aggiornamento del 2018 della EPBD, si rivela uno strumento significativo.


In questo contesto, il corso mira a comunicare l'approccio di TIMEPAC con l’obiettivo di utilizzare l’APE per la pianificazione energetica locale, regionale e nazionale mediante: (i) l'estrazione e l'elaborazione dei dati degli APE, e la generazione di edifici rappresentativi (archetipi) per prevedere la domanda energetica degli edifici a diverse scale; (ii) il calcolo e la presentazione di un nuovo insieme di indicatori, come l'indicatore di predisposizione all’intelligenza (SRI), parametri legati al comfort degli occupanti, ai costi, all'ambiente e all'energia; (iii) l'applicazione della metodologia per creare il passaporto di ristrutturazione in modo tale da stabilire una tabella di marcia efficace per la ristrutturazione degli edifici, passando dalla scala dell'edificio a quella del parco edilizio.

Organizzatore: POLITO

18 sessioni

Esperti in materia di edifici, certificatori, autorità pubbliche locali, agenzie per l’energia

05/06/24 9:00 - 17:00 CET


Vienna, Austria

The new Energy Performance of Buildings Directive: approaches to implementation, data and tools

The recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) was adopted by Member States on 12 April 2024. The approaches presented in this seminar are based on the EU project TIMEPAC, which developed proposals and tools for the implementation of the recast EPBD. The TIMEPAC Academy organised webinars in English on data, tools, indicators, building renovation and energy efficiency in March 2024, which can be accessed here: https://academy.timepac.eu/. This first face-to-face event in German provides a condensed overview of the content, opportunities and upcoming changes, with a focus on single-building retrofits and large-scale renovations. The recast EPBD 2024 introduces additional requirements, but also offers freedom of implementation and therefore the opportunity to act efficiently and effectively. This seminar will present and discuss the changes with a focus on renovation and possible new implementations based on the results of the TIMEPAC project. The seminar will help you to prepare for the upcoming implementation of the EPBD in Austria, to gain a competitive advantage and to anticipate the reactions of the industry.

Topics to be covered include the Energy Performance Certificate compared to the Renovation Passport, data repositories, data availability and reliability, planning and progress reporting, and the further development of the long-term renovation strategy in Austria. The course is specifically aimed at companies in the construction and real estate sector, universities, energy and building professionals and the public sector.

Organizzatore: SERA

12 sessioni

Professionals in the energy and building sector, companies from the construction and real estate sector, teaching staff at universities, public sector 

23/09/24 8:30 - 16:00 CET

Greek and English


Operational optimisation of building energy performance based on activities during EPC generation

The primary goal of the assessment of the energy performance of buildings is to provide essential insights into energy consumption, support the extensive energy renovation of buildings, and facilitate informed and cost-effective decisions. Furthermore, Re-commissioning (Re-Co) refers to the activities involved in fine-tuning building systems to ensure optimal performance and this process addresses issues that arise over a building's lifespan, such as ageing equipment or changes in how spaces are used by occupants, and focuses on enhancing overall building performance by optimizing the operation of systems together.


The recently approved recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) underscores the critical importance of on-site visits in producing accurate and reliable Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs). In this free course, participants will learn firsthand how to integrate various activities (EPC generation, energy auditing, and Re-Co) and provide solid recommendations for improving the energy performance of buildings. Additionally, the course will delve into techniques for monitoring and comparing actual versus expected building performance, ensuring participants gain practical experience and insights into the entire process. This practical approach guarantees that participants not only learn theoretical concepts but also understand how to effectively apply them in real-world scenarios.


This course will also include practical insights and experiences aligned with SRI auditing and the TIMEPAC Code of Conduct for Smart Readiness and Sustainability Rating, ensuring that participants will receive actionable knowledge and skills.


Organizzatore: CEA and CUT

11 sessioni

Certifiers, energy auditors, architects, engineers, energy managers and facility managers

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