Gašper Stegnar


Jožef Stefan Institute

Gašper Stegnar is a researcher at Jožef Stefan Institute - Energy Efficiency Centre. He holds a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Ljubljana, and his areas of expertise include simulation modelling of the thermal response of buildings, implementation of BIM methodology, and detailed simulation modelling of energy-efficient building renovations. His research focuses on developing energy consumption models and projections in the building sector, with a special emphasis on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in buildings. He is also involved in designing and modelling energy systems, as well as conducting analyses to support decision-making in climate and energy policies. He actively participates in international research and application projects, particularly those related to energy efficiency. Furthermore, he is gaining valuable experience as an energy consultant in the ENSVET energy consulting network, providing expert advice on buildings and energy management.

Povezane aktivnosti usposabljanja

29 Feb. 2024

Webinar 1. EPC data collection, validation and exploitation
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Calculating sustainability indicators based on a building’s energy performance

22 Mar. 2024

Webinar 6. Operational optimisation of building energy performance based on activities during EPC generation
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Re-Co in the Building Life Cycle


Re-Co and EPC

21-22 May. 2024

Zbiranje, preverjanje in uporaba podatkov v energetski izkaznici
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Primerjava modelirane in izmerjene energetske učinkovitosti s poudarkom na kazalnikih energetske učinkovitosti


Zbiranje podatkov in izračun trajnostnih indikatorjev - študija primera občinska stavba