Boris Sučić


Jožef Stefan Institute

Boris Sučić is a researcher at Jožef Stefan Institute - Energy Efficiency Centre. He holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Zagreb. His main areas of expertise include energy management, environment management, support in decision-making in buildings and industry, modelling and optimisation of energy processes, and holistic planning in energy. As the leader of energy manager training following the international EUREM programme, he has extensive experience in conducting training programs. He has authored numerous scientific articles published in international and domestic journals and conferences and handbooks for various seminars and training courses. He has gained practical experience by implementing several domestic and international projects as a coordinator or team member, focusing on energy efficiency. He has also conducted over 100 energy audits in industry and buildings, further showcasing his expertise in the field.

Povezane aktivnosti usposabljanja

29 Feb. 2024

Webinar 1. EPC data collection, validation and exploitation
Poglej več


TIMEPAC vision and motivation


Calculating Smart Readiness Indicator

12 Mar. 2024

Webinar 3. Analysis and visualisation of EPC data and development of innovative energy services
Poglej več


Reporting, monitoring and verification of energy savings

22 Mar. 2024

Webinar 6. Operational optimisation of building energy performance based on activities during EPC generation
Poglej več


Distinguishing Re-Co from Energy Audits and Retrofits


Re-Co and BACS


Re-Co and electrical lighting

21-22 May. 2024

Zbiranje, preverjanje in uporaba podatkov v energetski izkaznici
Poglej več


Vizija in motivacija TIMEPAC


Zajem podatkov iz sistema upravljanja z energijo in drugih sistemov za spremljanje rabe energije


Izračun kazalnika pripravljenosti na pametne sisteme in določitev potencialnih energetskih in prilagoditvenih ukrepov na podlagi zbranih podatkov – študija primera različnih tipov stavb v izobraževalnem sektorju

28-29 May. 2024

Operativna optimizacija energetske učinkovitosti stavbe v okviru priprave energetskih izkaznic
Poglej več


Zbiranje podatkov in pregledovanje sistemov upravljanja z energijo


Optimizacija električnega sistema – izboljšanje zmogljivosti opreme


Izračun SRI na podlagi aktivnosti Re-Co in priprava ukrepov za dvig energetske učinkovitosti in ukrepov prilagajanja

23-24 May. 2024

Analysis and visualization of EPC data and development of innovative energy service
Poglej več


Creation of measurement and verification plan - case study office building

23 Sep. 2024

Operational optimisation of building energy performance based on activities during EPC generation
Poglej več


Distinguishing Re-Co from Energy Audits and Retrofits


Calculation of SRI based on Re-Co activities and extracting energy efficiency and flexibility measures


Data collection and inspection of energy management systems


Electrical system re-commissioning – improving equipment performance